Upcoming Shows
Nestled in the birthplace of the alternative music movement, 100.7 FM is a shining beacon of free speech penetrating the thick darkness of the corporate dominated airwaves. Our mission is to provide Athens with a positive alternative to insipid pop music, annoying commercials, and corporate agendas. 100.7 FM is a non-profit community oriented radio station, broadcasting underrepresented music, news, and views 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We are proud to feature great music from dozens of Athens artists, as well as, news reports and progressive political commentary produced free of corporate interests and government influence. And, it is all presented commercial free! Created for Athenians by Athenians, 100.7 FM is local, personal, and intimately involved in the community. 100.7 FM is Athens Alternative Radio.

Our Mission

WPPP is a community-oriented, non-commercial radio station operated by The Athens Community Radio Foundation, Inc. (a non-profit organization). WPPP is committed to promoting Athens' unique culture and improving the quality of life in Athens, GA by creating an experience for our listeners that is:

Personalized - Raising community spirit by offering underrepresented music tailored to the Athens, GA community;

Passionate - Promoting community culture by giving local musicians equal weight in our rotation and free promotional announcements of shows and CD releases;

Powerful - Increasing community awareness by delivering news and political commentary free of commercial interests and government influence.

Tips For Best Reception

Our transmitting system is optimized to operate at the maximum allowed power and to deliver the best signal over our licensed area. Steps to improving your reception should start with your antenna. If your receiver is a stereo component or console, there should be a pair of screw terminals on the back marked "FM antenna" or something similar. If nothing is connected to these terminals, you need an antenna! An antenna may be as simple as an inexpensive "twin-lead dipole" which can be purchased at most electronic supply stores. This will only be effective in the primary coverage area of the station (immediate Athens area). A 3 to 4 foot piece of speaker wire is better than nothing. Ordinary TV "rabbit ears" will work reasonably well in this area as well. For fringe-area reception, an outside antenna similar to a TV antenna is required. In fact, some TV antennas can be used for FM reception. A good outside FM antenna (called a Yagi, after its inventor) can be purchased at most consumer electronic stores. Sensitive portables such as those manufactured by GRUNDIG or the GE SuperRadio are available which can be surprisingly effective. Also, you can improve reception by keeping your radio, antenna and receiver away from noise generating electronic devices. Many newer devices have microprocessor circuits that induce "noise" onto the FM radio band. Several examples of devices to avoid are: CD Players; Computers; Computer Monitors; Cable or Satellite boxes; VCR's; TV's; Video Game Consoles; Touchlamps; Neon Lights; Credit Card Machines; Cash Registers; Wireless Routers; Dimmer Switches for lighting; and Gas Pumps. To avoid interference, you should avoid placing your radio receiver in close proximity to these devices.

Contact Information

MUSIC SUBMISSIONS: Any LOCAL artist interested in receiving airplay on 100.7 FM is encouraged to mail us their CD. The band must be headquartered in the Athens area (ACC or adjacent counties). Please indicate any songs that contain profanity (or would otherwise be unsuitable to air). Artists need not be signed to a label; however, all recordings must be on CD or CDR. Tapes will not be considered. No submissions will be returned.

Send CD's to:
Athens Community Radio Foundation
P.O. Box 1793
Watkinsville, Ga

Talk Radio

Are you burned out on conservative talking heads like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity? 100.7 offers a positive alternative to the blowhards that are so prevalent on mainstream talk radio. We are committed to sharing with Athens the best progressive talk shows from across the Nation. Our progressive talk radio coverage begins everyday at 7 AM. A couple of our favorite shows are:

Between The Lines
is a weekly syndicated half-hour news magazine featuring progressive perspectives on national and international political, economic and social issues. Because Between The Lines is independent of all publications, media networks or political parties, the producers are able to bring a diversity of voices to the airwaves. This award-winning program provides a platform for individuals and organizations generally ignored or marginalized in corporate media.

The Shortwave Report
is a 30 minute review of foreign news broadcasts originating from around the world. The broadcasts originally aired in their native lands via shortwave radio.

Click for Athens' weather forecast.

Disclaimers, copyrights, and such...

This website is copyright (2004-Present) - Athens Community Radio Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. The phrases "Commercial Free Music" and "Commercial Free Rock" are trademarks of Athens Community Radio Foundation, Inc. Harry Dawg and the Georgia Bulldog mascot are trademarks of the University of Georgia. 100.7 FM Athens, GA radio station is not affiliated with UGA.

100.7 FM - WPPP-LP
Athens Alternative Radio Station
Athens, GA